JANUARY - 3 to 17
DAYSYUCATAN - MEXICOMauris sit amet sodales ipsum. Susp turpis diam, rutrum vel urna et, rutrui mattis sem. Mauris odio ipsum, phare quis ante condimentum, lacinia fring. Mauris sit amet sodales ipsum.
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Code: remember to use this shortcode inside the grid shortcode and with page template «Page Section 100%»
[tour title="YUCATAN - MEXICO" period="JANUARY - 3 to 17" duration="15" description="your description" number="0" color="green" mainimg="your image url"] [bottomtour] [leftbottomtour] [tabtour title="Weather" position="first" href="primo"] [tabtour title="Price" href="secondo" icon="icon-dollar"] [tabtour title="Gallery" position="last" href="terzo" icon="icon-camera"] [tabtourcontent icon="icon-cloud-sun" id="primo" description="SUN 25 C°"] [tabtourcontent icon="icon-dollar" id="secondo" description="3.000 $"] [tabtourcontentgallery id="terzo"] [imgtabtour img="your image url" idgallery="1"] [imgtabtour img="your image url" idgallery="1"] [imgtabtour img="your image url" idgallery="1"] [imgtabtour img="your image url" idgallery="1"] [imgtabtour img="your image url" idgallery="1"] [imgtabtour img="your image url" idgallery="1"] [/tabtourcontentgallery] [/leftbottomtour] [rightbottomtour] [listhometour content="Your text"] [listhometour content="Your text"] [listhometour content="Your text"] [listhometour content="Your text"] [listhometour content="Your text"] [listhometour content="Your text"] [listhometour content="Your text"] [listhometour content="Your text"] [/rightbottomtour] [footerhometour] [link link="#"][icon icon="icon-mail-alt" color="#96a0af" size="15"]CONTACT[/link] [link link="#"][icon icon="icon-export-alt" color="#96a0af" size="15"]MORE[/link] [/footerhometour] [/bottomtour] [/tour]
Parameters of the shortcodes
Parameters | Description |
[tour number=»» | this parameter is required. Enter the number 0, 1, 2, 3 .. for every shortcodes that you use the same page |
[tour color=»» | use the lovetravel color class (red, yellow, orange, blue, green, violet) |
[tour title=»» | insert the main title for your tour |
[tour mainimg=»» | insert your url image for the main image, the height of the image decides the height of the description box on the right |
[tour period=»» | Insert the period of the tour, Ex: JANUARY – 3 to 17 |
[tour duration=»» | Insert the duration of the tour, Ex: 15 |
[tour description=»» | insert the description for your tour |
[listhometour content=»» | insert the content of your list |
[tabtour icon=»» | insert the icon code for your buttons tab on the left |
[tabtour title=»» | insert the title that will be displayed as a tooltip |
[tabtour href=»» | insert the links that will be the id of the shortcode [tabtourcontent] |
[tabtour position=»» | first/last This parameter is required for the first and last item |
[tabtourcontent id=»» | insert the id that will be the link of the shortcode [tabtour] |
[tabtourcontent icon=»» | insert the icon code if you want to display the layout with the large icon |
[tabtourcontent description=»» | insert a little description if you want to add some text below the large icon |
[tabtourcontentgallery id=»» | use this shortcode if you want to create the gallery layout. Insert the id that will be the link of the shortcode [tabtour] |
[imgtabtour idgallery=»» | use this parameter to create multiple galleries on the same page (use a number) |
[imgtabtour img=»» | insert the url of your image, insert the large picture, the thumbnail is created automatically |
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